Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Being Present

As I sit in my new office at 2140 W. Fulton, I breathe a big sigh of relief.  We are finally feeling settled into our new space and I am grateful we got thru these past 10 months.  Moving is tough and this move was one of the hardest steps to take in the 16 years we've been doing business.  We not only moved our business but we launched our new baby line, Shirley & Victor.  These two phases combined nearly made me crazy.  I'm not just saying "crazy" lightly.  I really lost my mind.

Russell and I work out a lot.  He was an elite, competitive swimmer and water polo player and he continues to swim Masters 3-4 times per week.  I was also a competitive swimmer and former triathlete.  When business gets tough, we tend to run together and discuss our challenges of the day.  One chilly February morning, I stopped right in the middle of our run and broke down in tears.  Not something I do often and definitely not something Russell expected to have to deal with that day.  I was exhausted from lack of sleep and so overwhelmed with stress, I completely lost it. 

Josie, happy to be in the new space
Years ago I walked into a doctor's office and saw the words, "Constant Stress is a Killer" written on the wall.  I can tell you first hand, this is true.  So how did I muster thru one of the most difficult times in my career?  I began to meditate.  I read Dan Harris' book, 10% Happier and started adopting some of his meditation techniques.  Not only did I start to sleep a little better but I was able to focus on the tasks at hand.  The first thing I did was to practice trying to be completely present.  For just 5 minutes each day, I forced myself to become 100% present in whatever I was doing.  I stopped the noise in my brain and really forced myself to listen to the person speaking to me or focusing 100% on whatever I was doing.  Every morning after working out I would lay on my yoga mat and just be present.  I started doing this for five minutes each day and before I knew it, I was meditating for 30 minutes.  Each night before going to bed, I drank a cup of "bedtime" tea, turned off the news and sat quietly, listening to my breath going in and out.  I am convinced without meditation, I would have been put on medication causing a slew of other complications I know I was not up to dealing with.

I'd like to say I no longer have the stress I had a few months ago and although it's gotten much better, I have daily challenges, just like everybody else.  I still have days when I can't settle my mind and meditating seems impossible, but I have learned how to cope with this.  I simply acknowledge my thoughts and then allow myself to let them go for at least 5 minutes each day. I force myself to breathe deeply and listen only to my breath. I recommend this for everyone, regardless of whether or not you think you're stressed. Not only will you begin to feel better, but you will find yourself enjoying life a lot more.  So be calm, be happy and be present!

Our new showroom, where buyers and customers can shop